198 West 21th Street, NY
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Age-Appropriate Teaching Professional Development Resource Guides

4 Tips Every Dancer Needs to Overcome Stage Fright

The studio can be a place of growth, creativity, and challenge for both seasoned and new dancers. As a dance.

Lesson Plan Ideas Professional Development Resource Guides

How to Create a Dance Lesson Plan in 7 Easy Steps

As dance teachers, we all know the importance of lesson planning. Sure, we may have “winged it” once or twice,.

Age-Appropriate Teaching Lesson Plan Ideas Professional Development Resource Guides

How to Face Your Fear of Teaching Dance: Tips from Real Teachers

As an educator, I’ve faced many challenges in my career, but nothing fills me with dread like teaching dance. Dance.

Age-Appropriate Teaching Professional Development Resource Guides

Age-Appropriate Dance Activities for Every Stage

Incorporating movement and dance into early childhood education can offer remarkable benefits. However, it’s essential to align the dance programs.

Age-Appropriate Teaching Lesson Plan Ideas Professional Development Resource Guides

What Makes Thoughtful Dance Education Effective for Children?

Incorporating age-appropriate dance in children’s education enriches their physical well-being and boosts cognitive and emotional development. Through carefully designed programs.

Yakeen Is a Lifestyle Blog

Latest From My Journal

Age-Appropriate Teaching Professional Development Resource Guides

4 Tips Every Dancer Needs to Overcome Stage Fright

The studio can be a place of growth, creativity, and challenge for both seasoned and new dancers. As a dance.

Lesson Plan Ideas Professional Development Resource Guides

How to Create a Dance Lesson Plan in 7 Easy Steps

As dance teachers, we all know the importance of lesson planning. Sure, we may have “winged it” once or twice,.

Age-Appropriate Teaching Professional Development Resource Guides

4 Tips Every Dancer Needs to Overcome Stage Fright

The studio can be a place of growth, creativity, and challenge for both seasoned and new dancers. As a dance.

Lesson Plan Ideas Professional Development Resource Guides

How to Create a Dance Lesson Plan in 7 Easy Steps

As dance teachers, we all know the importance of lesson planning. Sure, we may have “winged it” once or twice,.

Age-Appropriate Teaching Lesson Plan Ideas Professional Development Resource Guides

How to Face Your Fear of Teaching Dance: Tips from Real Teachers

As an educator, I’ve faced many challenges in my career, but nothing fills me with dread like teaching dance. Dance.

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